Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Going Green Song...

This is an awesome song sang by Miley Cyrus. It is about going green & global warming! It is on her new CD, Breakout, and if you haven't heard it yet, follow this link to hear Miley's song WAKE UP AMERICA! CLICK HERE

Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Videos

First of all, thank you, Gary for sending us this video! You may have noticed our video bar near the bottom of our Blog. There are two videos there, but we think they are the same thing. Notice the date in the video, Aug. 13 2051. COULD this be our future?? We do NOT want this!!! we will post more videos soon.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Here's A Challenge:

Do you want to do something helpful for the earth that is different and fun??? Try this. Pretend that your power went out. If your some sort of technology addict or something then this might be hard. Try different ways to do it, or all of them.
1. Turn off all the lights for a day
2. Use NO electricity: keep the computer off, the TV, pull the plug to your clock, no AC, no lamps, karaoke machines, you name it. DON'T TURN THEM ON!!! but if you plug something in, it is still extracting energy. Do this with the things that are easy to unplug
3. Don't use any hot water. (but if your going to take a cold shower, make it quick!)
4. Don't use your car

Challenge your friends and family to this. The next time you have your friends sleepover, or come over, maybe you could do this.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Do YOU take action????

so duh everyone knows about global warming and if you are on this website you should, too. So yeah you know but do you DO anything? Do you CARE??? if these answers are no you should probably go do something about it. If you don't care, let us tell you something: IF YOU DONT TAKE CARE OF THIS EARTH YOU WILL MOST LIKELY DIE AFTER A WHILE IF THIS THING CONTINUES!!! Do you want to be sitting in bed when your 30, reading to your kids and then see a ginormo wave come crashing over your house? Hopefully the answer is no. So go do something! Clean up your beach! Say no to your siblings when they tell you to turn on the AC when your not even hot! It'll make a diffence! Read 20 ways to go green on the bottom of this blog.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Go Green to the tune of "Bad day"

Oh we've had some bad days

polluting the air

it's time to go green and make everyone care.

The world is suffering

from global warming

the greenhouse effect

is making everything wrecked.

We've got to conserve,

recycle, reduse,

it's time to reuse

we've got nothing to loose.

We've had some bad days, ooh

We've had some bad days.

Lyrics by Erin Ti., Ramya R. Angela Z. Carly W.L. Stephanie C. and Erin To.


Okay, this is what can happen if we don't take action in global warming.

It's Manhattan, ya no, where the big tall Empire State Building is? Well, in a few years, we might not even be able to stand next to it for pictures. And ya no why? Because it will be under water. (not in this picture though)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Beat That!

Set a GGCC record of how many pounds of litter you can pick up in 5 minutes! Just set your record, leave it as a comment, and you're score will show up on the website! Then, others can try to beat it! It'll be fun, and it will help the environment. Please leave you're 1st name on the comment. Do this activity at your local parks, beaches, etc.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Global Warming

Okay. So as you know, the world is, lets say heating up from global warming. This is causing the polar ice caps to melt which makes the sea level rise. If this continues,our cities could be flooded with water. Not only that, but since the polar ice caps are melting, polar bears are drowning. We can't do this alone! There is only one earth and we need to take care of it.