Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Do YOU take action????

so duh everyone knows about global warming and if you are on this website you should, too. So yeah you know but do you DO anything? Do you CARE??? if these answers are no you should probably go do something about it. If you don't care, let us tell you something: IF YOU DONT TAKE CARE OF THIS EARTH YOU WILL MOST LIKELY DIE AFTER A WHILE IF THIS THING CONTINUES!!! Do you want to be sitting in bed when your 30, reading to your kids and then see a ginormo wave come crashing over your house? Hopefully the answer is no. So go do something! Clean up your beach! Say no to your siblings when they tell you to turn on the AC when your not even hot! It'll make a diffence! Read 20 ways to go green on the bottom of this blog.

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