Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Here's A Challenge:

Do you want to do something helpful for the earth that is different and fun??? Try this. Pretend that your power went out. If your some sort of technology addict or something then this might be hard. Try different ways to do it, or all of them.
1. Turn off all the lights for a day
2. Use NO electricity: keep the computer off, the TV, pull the plug to your clock, no AC, no lamps, karaoke machines, you name it. DON'T TURN THEM ON!!! but if you plug something in, it is still extracting energy. Do this with the things that are easy to unplug
3. Don't use any hot water. (but if your going to take a cold shower, make it quick!)
4. Don't use your car

Challenge your friends and family to this. The next time you have your friends sleepover, or come over, maybe you could do this.

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